What our students and their parents think:

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“In the midst of panicking for my future starting from what major I should I take to where I should go, Saksara have supported me and guided me through those decisions. I finally took a major (Agriculture) that I didn’t even think was a good option for me at first, but Saksara convinced me through their thorough research and future predictions that it was actually a great major and a great fit for me and my future self. Thank you for the constant guidance and for being with me throughout making one of the most important life decisions that a teen could face!”

— Angelia Tanu (Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Science at University of Western Australia, AUD 40,000 Scholarship recipient)


“Anak saya sangat suka matematika dan fisika dan nilainya bagus sekali sehingga dia mau mengambil jurusan aerospace tapi kami tidak paham mengenai pekerjaan setelah lulus. Ansell juga sempat terpikir untuk kuliah jurusan kuliner. Saksara menjelaskan panjang lebar termasuk pekerjaan setelah lulus yang tadinya kami tidak terpikir sama sekali dan banyak masukan Saksara yang sangat menambah wawasan kami. Akhirnya Ansell bisa memilih jurusan yang cocok.”

— Etie Indawatie, orang tua dari Ansell (Bachelor of Science - Physics at University of Western Australia, AUD 40,000 scholarship recipient)


“Saksara memberikan konseling yang sangat detail mengenai agriculture dan aplikasinya di Indonesia dan juga mengenai musik. Saat akhirnya Kenner memutuskan untuk mengambil jurusan musik, Saksara juga membantu Kenner menyusun essay untuk beasiswa dan berkat nilai Kenner yang bagus, Kenner berhasil mendapatkannya. 

Saksara juga tidak asal memberikan pandangan tapi disertai data lengkap saat membandingkan dua kota pilihan Kenner yang paling bisa memfasilitasi jurusan musik Kenner. 

Keluarga kami puas mengambil keputusan dalam memilih kuliah karena dibantu data dan nasihat dari Saksara.”

— Fenny, orang tua dari Kenner (Bachelor of Music - Composition and Music Production at Australian Institute of Music, AUD 3,000 Scholarship recipient)


“Great response times with emergency situations.”

— Ronald (Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Bachelor of Commerce - Economics at Curtin University, AUD 7,000 New Colombo Plan Scholarship Awardee, Internship Placement at BlueScope Steel Indonesia)


“Penjelasan Saksara tentang jurusan dan ranking Universitas sangat lengkap dan saya puas sudah mempercayakan Saksara untuk investasi pendidikan kedua anak saya.”

— Tini, orang tua dari Vania (Bachelor of Business at University of Technology Sydney) dan Wilbert (Bachelor of IT - Data Science at Monash University, AUD 5,000 study grant recipient)


“I am now in Year 2 of University and got so much support from Saksara. Saksara helped me find internships that I needed to create connections even before my graduation.

I had zero ideas on how to write a CV. Saksara also guides me on how to compose an email when applying to a company. Having the internship before graduating gives me the experience of workplaces and how to act in a meeting. I am very grateful for all the assistance that Saksara gave me throughout my university years.”

— Christopher (Bachelor of Science - Data Science & Finance at University of Western Australia)


“Saksara was very helpful with every detail of my pre-university procedure before I transferred to RMIT University. The counsellor was friendly and was there for me through the entire process. If I had any queries, she would always response promptly and made sure that everything was done at the right time. Not only pre-university procedure, Saksara even still help me whenever I ran into some university administration issue or even visa related problems.

My experience with Saksara is undoubtedly enjoyable. Thank you Saksara!”

— Shania (Bachelor of Business - International Business at RMIT University)